Learning Management System
Our online training products are SCORM compatible, so if you already have a Learning Management System our courses and presentations will fit right into your company platform.
If you don’t have a Learning Management System, we’ve got you covered. Coolen Forestry Learn can host your courses online with a learning path that handles course sequencing, and prerequisites (e.g. must successfully complete a & b before proceeding to c) as well as hosting printed documents, manuals and important links for each module.
Our LMS will take care of student registration, payment, issuing certificates, data collection and student status reports. Just send your employee a link to the course and everything else is taken care of.
Student surveys have always been a big part of our continuous improvement efforts. Surveys imbedded in the course material or the exam can help you fine-tune the course content and help gather suggestions for future releases and/or updates.
It’s always best to gather feedback while it’s fresh in the student’s mind.
Ready to find out more? Contact us!
We are here to help! Contact us online and we would be glad to assist you with your next project!